26 thoughts on “EMRA

  1. 3-1-17:
    Blu 1.59 Brn 7.28 Grn 2.97 Blk 0.70
    Black is 6%.
    (25 kg approx of grass cuttings not included).

  2. 1, Why was the mobile phone mast still erected at the end of Sledmere Close / Alan Turing Way even though planning permission was refused after local residents had raised objections.

    2, “Match Day Issues” surely the local residents should be entitled to a substantiol reduction in rates over the Inconvience of Match Day Issues during the football season and secondly the “Concerts “during the summer months again impacting on the local residents,who have had no say on Manchester City being relocated to the old Commonwealth stadium this was imposed on them with no prior consultation or consideration for the local people.

    Could you please e-mail me any feed back for the above two items i have raised and minutes for the meeting or any future meetings.

  3. I live on Orme close and I am becomming increasingly concerned at the amount youths, and known drug users sitting on the pathway which runs from number 70 to 80.
    They are often drinking and smoking drugs. I have approached them and asked them to move only to be met with verbal abuse and threats.
    What is being done to tackle this problem and when can we see changes. I have 2 children who I cannot let play in their own garden for fear of what they may see or hear.

    Please reply as I cannot attend the meeting due work commitments

    1. Thank you very much for your post. I shall bring your point up at the meeting and ask for a response from the PCs and PCSOs who should be attending. I shall email you a summary of the meeting.

  4. We are still seeing high numbers of drug users in and around Orme Close. We don’t see the PCSO’s walking the area even though it has been established that we have a drug problem. We are still awaiting a tenant to be evicted for drug dealing. When is this going to happen. I still see known users and shop lifters frequenting the property on a regular basis. Yet as tenants we are left in the dark. I work so I am not there all the time but when I am it is obvious what certain people are in the area for. Perhaps if the PCSO’s/ police were to patrol the area more it would deter what us families are having to put up with on a daily basis

    1. Thank you very much for your post. I shall read it out at the meeting so that Councillors, Housing Association reps, PCs, PCSOs and other residents can respond.

  5. Please can the below be brought up at meeting on 21st June,2017.

    1. Myrtle Street road has for years even before the new houses were built had large cracks and big holes which one has to try to avoid all along the length of the street. A few of the holes are deep enough to potentially damage a car. The council for years keep saying they are going to fix it instead they built bumps and did nothing to repair the holes making it even worse. Why do we pay council tax when no repairs are done. For years we have put up with the noise dust and dirt while they built new houses alls were asking is for our streets to be repaired for us to drive down.

    2. Eastlands started to build new walls and new gates, and knock down old sheds in the old terrace houses Towley Street, Cyclone Street etc then we were told they ran out of money. Please could you tell us if this work is even going to be completed so as to make our backyards have more space eg for children to play. May I also say I thought it was very unfair that some homeowners got new gates new walls and Eastlands residents didn’t.

    3. Will Eastlands being painting the outside house due to all the dirt dust we’ve accumulated over the years from the other new houses built around us.

    4. May I also bring to your attention the youngs boys riding up and down rylance Street on motor bikes also cars and top speeds accident waiting to happen from this with the speed in which they are doing this.

    Thank you.

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